Friday, June 8, 2007

Ed Bartram's Precambrian Series

"The Thirty Thousand Island archipelago, stretching along the northeastern shore of Georgian Bay, is the source of my inspiration as a printmaker and painter. This bay of Lake Huron is so large it could be considered the sixth Great Lake," says Canadian artist, Ed Bartram.

"Along this island-studded coast, glaciers have scraped away the earthen mantle, revealing the ancient Precambrian landscape. This rock, older than life itself, provides a record of the primordial processes of creation. I have been most influenced by the banded metamorphic gneiss. A great upheaval seems to have occurred, causing the rusty, pink rocks of the southern archipelago to merge wiht the black and grey rock of the more northerly coast, creating intricate striated patterns. These rocks have been liquified by the great forces within the earth, causing various layers to intrude upwards or to fold and tilt at odd angles. Other layers have shifted and cracked along fault lines, creating dynamic abstract structures. These formations in turn have been smoothed and kept free of more recent deposits by the continual polishing and cleaning action of waves."

Art in Killarney Park

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